In Peloton Consulting we are providing world class Microsoft consulting to enterprise organizations. We specialize in creating tailor made solutions thru profiling the unique needs of each of our customers and saving our customers millions of dollars by providing proactive consulting before, during and after Microsoft EA negotiations.
Working with large enterprises we know that mitigate the risk is not less important than reducing costs. in Peloton Consulting we provide you end to end support for defending Software Asset Management and Audit engagements. Our deep experience with Microsoft licensing and negotiation will secure your success in any engagement with Microsoft.
We provide to our customers independent and objective consulting as we are not resealing or distribute any software from any vendor. We are 100% customer centric and our consulting is pure from any licensing transaction or incentives.
From our deep experience, we know that most enterprise organizations find its very hard to track the licensing changes and the Product Terms during the term of the Enterprise Agreement so when coming to negotiate the renewal, Microsoft will have a significant advantage of licensing knowledge and here is where Peloton Consulting will equip you with the licensing solution that fits to your organization and explain you all about the licensing changes and the most current updates so you will be able to meet your short and long term targets and business goals.
With experience of 2 decades in Enterprise organizations Mr. Sagi holds a very strong background of licensing, business negotiation, business management, strategic planning and finance. After working a decade for Microsoft and profiling a pivotal role in licensing management, sales, negotiation and processes, Mr. Sagi founded Peloton Consulting, which provides world class licensing consulting to enterprise organizations. Mr. Sagi considered an expert in Microsoft licensing and a speaker at SAM and CM conferences of IAITAM (International Association of Information Technology Asset Managers) and IBSMA (International Business Software Managers Association. Mr. Sagi holds a BA in economics and MBA from Ben-Gurion University. Mr. Sagi is an IronMan triathlete and Ultra Marathon runner, volunteer in mentoring programs in order to make others great. LinkedIn